Jammyland Cocktail Bar & Reggae Kitchen

1121 S Main St.

See route

@lipsmackingfoodietours You can find these slow smoked and jerked Caribbean style wings in the Las Vegas Arts District at Jammyland. They pack a powerful punch of island heat and spice, but are truly delicuous and worth going out of your way to try. #vegas #lasvegas #jerkchicken #carribean #caribbeanfood #wheretoeatinvegas #vegasartsdistrict #downtownlasvegas #vegasstarfish #lipsmackingfoodietours ♬ Caribbean reggae perfect for summer(1065074) - grooove!


Available Now: our FEATURE x Arizona State University Sun Devils collection of tees and trucker hats are now online and in-store at our Scottsdale Quarter location.

♬ original sound - FEATURE LV